Uncommon Desires 03
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ContentCherubs in distress: girls and propaganda (p. 2)For a new society: a political approach to paedophilia (p. 3)Police blotter (p. 5)School not kiddin' with wife, 13 (p. 7)Paedophilia: focus on the child - by Frits Bernard (p. 7)Mark Twain & Paul Gauguin, Girl-lovers (p. 9)But what do the girls have to say? (p. 10)Emily (poem by n.s. aristoff) (p. 11)Hearts & minds: the failure of sex abuse education (p. 11)On the train (poem by n.s. aristoff) (p. 13)Starlight hotel (film review) (p. 13)New trends in law enforcement: child sex porn/sex stings (p. 14)Sexual attraction, sexual preference, & pedophilia as a sexual identity (p. 20)Girl power (p. 23) |
Magazine as pdf-file: Uncommon Desires 03
[[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]]
- Uncommon Desires
- Frits Bernard
- Mark Twain
- Paul Gauguin
- Aristoff
- Poetry
- Gedichten
- Sex education
- Seksuele voorlichting/Seksuele opvoeding
- Sting operations
- Uitlokking
- Caroline Arber
- Joel Featherstone
- Lyndon B. Johnson
- Barry Goldwater
- George H.W. Bush
- Rutard Sigam
- Robert Stoller
- Michel de Montaigne
- Socrates
- Benjamin Spock
- Dean M. Herman
- Edward Brongersma
- Alayne Yates
- William A. Kraemer
- John Money
- Henry Juan
- Dennis Brown
- Ronald A. Wilson
- Robert J. Cooney
- Gerald Worsley
- Frank Louderback
- Claire Luten
- Christopher Lee Barnes
- Diane Bailey
- David Gunn
- Rachel Partin
- Wilfred Schroder
- Richard Partin
- Dick de Groot
- Larry L. Constantine
- Floyd Martinson