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ContentEditorial (p. 2)8th Annual IPCE Conference 1994 (p. 3-21)National status reports (p. 3)Organizational problems (p. 9)Child prostitution (p. 10)Ethics & morals (p. 11)The image of the child as a provocation (p. 14)Finances / Proposal on IPCE regulations (p. 16)Final conclusions (p. 20)Young and old, we gonna be free (p. 22)A book about more children's power (p. 23)Some notes for the conference (EPCE / IPIN) (p. 24)Criteria and reflections (IPCE 1993) (p. 24)Two different worlds (p. 26)Diverses (p. 28)Par 175 abgeschaft (p. 29)BVH Resolution (p. 30)VSG contra ILGA I (p. 30)VSG contra ILGA II (p. 32)ILGA to VSG Sept 1994 (p. 35)The VSG's answer to the ILGA (p. 36)Kritische Auseinandersetzung, Bielefeldgruppe (p. 39)Jahresinfo 1994, Bielefeldgruppe (p. 42)Buchbesprechung: Lautmann (p. 44)Tillmans' Buch (p. 45)Nouvelles de France (p. 46) |
Newsletter as pdf-file: IPCE-11
- Child & youth prostitution
- Kinder- & jongerenprostitutie
- Ethics
- Ethiek
- Paragraf 175
- Verein für sexuelle Gleichberechtigung e.V. Schwulengruppe, München
- Rüdiger Lautmann
- Marius Tillmanns
- Frans Gieles
- Acolyte Press
- Graham Ovenden
- Ron Oliver
- Gaie France
- Gruppo P
- Felicity Goodyear-Smith
- Jaap Hoek
- NVSH Werkgroepen Pedofilie/Jeugdemancipatie
- Vereniging Martijn
- English Support Group
- Don Mader
- Intermale
- Catherine MacKinnon
- Andrea Dworkin
- Lewis Carroll
- Wilhelm von Gloeden
- Clarence White
- Oliver Hill
- Peter Schmidt
- Preben Hertoft
- Maria Marcus
- Birgitte Bornas
- Lars Skriver
- Jørgen Rasmussen
- Sigmund Freud
- Anne-Mette Kruse
- Bill Andriette
- Larry King
- Rolf Wiedenhof
- Paragraf 182
- Wolfram Setz
- Fliederlich (Nürnberg)
- Jesse Helms
- Julie Dorf
- Jean-Christophe Eeckhout
- Burghard Richter
- Hans Hjerpekjøn
- Paragraf 176
- Ekkehard von Braunmühl
- Carl R. Rogers
- Hubertus von Schoenebeck
- Pädophilen Selbsthilfegruppe Bielefeld
- Beat Meier
- Frits Bernard
- Reiner Lorch
- Christian Mohr