2016 english
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- Adam Johnson is not a paedophile and he doesn't deserve prison - Text by Katie Hopkins (Daily Mail Online, 7 March 2016)
- Labour expels paedophilia rights campaigner Tom O'Carroll - (BBC News, 17 February 2016)
- Judge gives man 5 days for child porn, rails against harsh sentences - Text by Tracy Connor (NBC News, 1 February 2016)
- Standing up for justice and diversity - Text by Tom O'Carroll (Herectic TOC, 1 February 2016)
- Kids as young as 9 are on the sex offender registry...for life (Free Range Kids, 17 January 2016)
- The dark side of David Bowie - Text by Erin Keane (Salon.com, 13 January 2016)
- Can child dolls keep pedophiles from offending? - Text by Roc Morin (The Atlantic, 11 January 2016)
- Girl, 15, who sold nude pics of herself online facing child porn charges - Text by Helen Whitehouse (Daily Star, 4 January 2016)
- Private sexual satisfaction is good - Text by Ethan Edwards (Celibate Pedophiles, 1 January 2016)
- Ed Stewart met his wife when she was 13 - (Wikipedia, January 2016)