2016 english
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- Police say 'gay rights' advocate, 'husband' who committed suicide molested 10 adolescent boys - Text by Heather Clark (Christian News Network, 29 December 2016)
- David Hamilton found dead amid allegations of historical rape - Text by Kim Willsher (The Guardian, 26 November 2016)
- Here's a weird new discovery about pedophiles - Text by Jesse Singal (Science of Us, 23 November 2016)
- UK to censor online videos of 'non-conventional' sex acts - Text by Damien Gayle (The Guardian, 23 November 2016)
- Extreme prison sentences: legal and normative consequences - Text by Melissa Hamilton (Cardozo Law Review, Vol. 38, No. 1, 5 November 2016)
- Fifteen-year-old girl can have sexual relationship with 47-year-old uncle, German court rules - Text by May Bulman (The Independant, 2 November 2016)
- Ministers approve bill to block internet porn - Text by Stuart Winer (The Times of Israel, 30 October 2016)
- The rise and fall of Anthony Weiner - Text by Nick Penzenstadler (USA TODAY, 29 October 2016)
- Japanese songs: Lolita Complex and Chuu Chuu Lovely - Translations by 'Peace' (Herectic TOC, 23 October 2016)
- Indonesia castration law 'will wipe out paedophilia' - (BBC News, 19 October 2016)
- Derryn Hinch admitted to having sex with a 15-year-old female when he was in his early thirties - (Wikipedia, 17 October 2016)
- Dangerous offender laws the antithesis of free and democratic society - Text by Greg Barns (The Mercury, 16 October 2016)
- Is the majority of child porn consensual or forced? - Text by 'Filip30' (BoyChat, 8 October 2016)
- This fiasco of sex abuse inquiry is totally out of control - Text by Barbara Hewson (The Daily Mail, 30 September 2016)
- Russian oligarch marries his 18-year-old model bride who he started dating when she was just fourteen - Text by Gareth Davies (Daily Mail Online, 27 July 2016)
- Alarm as primary school children as young as 10 caught sexting - Text by Elissa Doherty (Herald Sun, 25 September 2016)
- If you're with VP and B4Uact you're no friend to any pedophile - Text by 'Bigboatsmall' (Boychat, 25 September 2016)
- Paedophile who raped a 10-year-old girl attacks prosecutor with a knife in court - Text by William Watkinson (International Business Times, 24 September 2016)
- Islam, right-left extremist politics and paedophilia - Text by 'David' (Herectic TOC, 21 September 2016)
- Data says one in 10 visitors to porn sites are under 10 years old - (Fight the New Drug, 21 September 2016)
- Petition: Stop prosecuting minors for having naked pictures of themselves - (www.thepetitionsite.com, 19 September 2016)
- Mark Zuckerberg accused of abusing power after Facebook censors Vietnam war 'napalm girl' photo - Text by Cristina Criddle (The Telegraph, 9 September 2016)
- I feel isolated - Text by hieronymus (GirlChat, 7 September 2016)
- Appeals court issues scathing ruling against Michigan sex offender penalties - Text by Mark Joseph Stern (slate.com, 26 August 2016)
- What it's like to be a celibate pedophile - Interview by Alexa Tsoulis-Reay (Science of Us, 18 August 2016)
- Pedophilia the next sin to be normalized? - Text by Brandon Showalter (The Christian Post, 9 August 2016)
- Book review: Attic Adolescent - Bob Henderson - (BoyChat, 7 August 2016)
- Underage girl loves older man in disturbing novel - Book review by Harry Levins (stltoday.com, 6 August 2016)
- Lex van Naerssen, Dutch gay studies pioneer, deceased - Text by Janhuib Blans (Gay News, No. 300, August 2016)
- I changed my view on that, I'm instead petitioning reducing the age of consent to 13 - Tweet by Amos Yee Kuan Yew (Twitter, 27 July 2016)
- 'Abu Ghraib'-style images of children in detention in Australia trigger public inquiry - Text by Helen Davidson, Paul Karp & Elle Hunt (The Guardian, 26 July 2016)
- Matt Edman: the world's most evil software engineer - (holocaust21, 25 July 2016)
- Bogus 'sex offender' labels are ruining lives - Text by Lenore Skenazy (New York Post, 25 July 2016)
- Amos Yee: why child pornography should be legal - (holocaust21, 22 July 2016)
- Turkey's Constitutional Court stirs outrage by annulling child sex abuse clause - (Daily News, 14 July 2016)
- Theresa May on gay issues - (Wikipedia, 11 July 2016)
- Chair of Scottish abuse inquiry quits over 'government interference' - Text by Libby Brooks (The Guardian, 4 July 2016)
- Cleaning the net a growing business - Text by Karl Andersson (The Lover, Issue 03, Summer 2016)
- Old Man and the boys - Text by Anonymous (The Lover, Issue 03, Summer 2016)
- Emotional and sexual correlates of child sexual abuse as a function of self-definition status - (SAGE Journals, 29 June 2016)
- Paedophile Information Exchange member Douglas Slade guilty of abuse - (BBC News, 27 June 2016)
- Google is the world's biggest censor and its power must be regulated - Text by Robert Epstein (US News Opinion, 22 June 2016)
- J. Edgar Hoover, the FBI, and the "Sex Deviates" Program' - Interview Douglas Charles - Interview by Christopher Elias (NOTCHES, 21 June 2016)
- Cleared after two years of hell - Cliff Richard reveals how it wrecked his health - Interview by David Wigg (Daily Mail Online, 20 June 2016)
- We should ban old people from voting - Text by George Chesterton (GQ, 14 June 2016)
- Sir Clement Freud: Met examining child abuse allegations - Text by Sandra Laville & Ben Quinn (The Guardian, 15 June 2016)
- Tinder bans most teens - Text by Angela Chen (GIZMODO, 9 June 2016)
- Denmark to declassify being transgender as mental disorder - (The Guardian, 1 June 2016)
- Teacher got herself pregnant by her 13-year-old student - Text by Alexandra Genova (Daily Mail Online, 1 June 2016)
- Is it possible to perform the life of child killer Marc Dutroux with children? - (Campo, 26 May 2016)
- Latin lovers versus British bum bandits - Text by Tom O'Carroll (Herectic TOC, 20 May 2016)
- Adam Johnson banned from talking to own daughter after breaching sex offender rule in prison - Text by Kavan Flavius (Yahoo Sport, 18 May 2016)
- Catalan congresswoman sees hope in flower children - Text by Jack Wright (Guidepost Magazine, 17 May 2016)
- CIA admits: We sent Mandela to jail - Text by Ivan Fallon (The Times & The Sunday Times, 15 May 2016)
- Why it is wrong to murder - Text by 'hierophant' (GirlChat, 14 May 2016)
- Reactions to first postpubertal male same-sex sexual experience in the Kinsey sample - Text by B. Rind & M. Welter (Arch Sex Behav., 13 May 2016)
- Childhood recollections of pornography, sexual exploration, learning and agency in Finland - Text by S. Spišák & S. Paasonen (Childhood, Online: 13 May 2016)
- Milwaukee teens live stream sex acts over Facebook - Text by Lindsey Branwall (CBS 58, 12 May 2016)
- How government agencies distort statistics on sex-crime recidivism - Text by Alissa R. Ackerman & Marshall Burns (Justice Policy Journal, 10 May 2016)
- Man 'who chanted "Allah is a paedo" at rallies found to be child sex offender' - Text by Harry Readhead (Metro News, 7 May 2016)
- Thomas Jefferson's relationship with Sarah Hemings - (Copied from Wikipedia: 1 May 2016)
- Homosexuality is increasingly becoming being instead of doing - Text by Gert Hekma (Gay News, May 2016)
- Child porn suspect jailed indefinitely for refusing to decrypt hard drives - Text by David Kravets (Ars Technica, 27 April 2016)
- Man wrongly labelled a paedophile stabbed to death by 'teenage vigilantes' - Text by Matt Payton (The Independent, 13 April 2016)
- Munted: a short MAP film - Text by 'paper-doll' (GirlChat, 9 April 2016)
- Don't just get kids off the sex offender registry, abolish it - Text by Judith Levine & Erica Meiners (CounterPunch, 8 April 2016)
- Hastert molested at least four boys, prosecutors say - Text by Monica Davey & Mitch Smith (The New York Times, 8 April 2016)
- Scientists seek crowdfunding to test 'chemical castration' of pedophiles - Text by Kate Kelland (Reuters, 6 April 2016)
- I can remember the very first time I ever watched a gay porn scene - Text by Andrew Morrison-Gurza (Huffpost Queer Voices, 6 April 2016)
- What is one thing you caught your child doing that you wish you had never seen? - Text by Benjamin Norwood (Quora, April 2016)
- Azov Films had 100,000 customers - (U.S. Department of Justice, April 2016)
- Whatever happened to NAMBLA? - Text by Mike Pearl (VICE | Unites States, 24 March 2016)
- Sentences for some sex offenders defy reason - Text by Marshall Frank (Florida Today, 20 March 2016)
- 'Chilling effect' of mass surveillance is silencing dissent online, study says - Text by Dr Nafeez Ahmed (Motherboard, 17 March 2016)
- Less than half of America's youth are straight, new survey finds - Text by Bobby Rae (PinkNews, 11 March 2016)
- Adam Johnson is not a paedophile and he doesn't deserve prison - Text by Katie Hopkins (Daily Mail Online, 7 March 2016)
- Integrity vs cowardice - Text by Karl Andersson (The Lover, Issue 02, Spring 2016)
- Only 825 years in prison for posting nude pics on Tumblr - Text by Karl Andersson (The Lover, Issue 02, Spring 2016)
- Labour expels paedophilia rights campaigner Tom O'Carroll - (BBC News, 17 February 2016)
- Examining assumptions in German law concerning sexual self-determination and age cutoffs - Text by Bruce Rind & Max Welter (Int. Journ. of Sex. Health, 11 Feb 2016)
- Judge gives man 5 days for child porn, rails against harsh sentences - Text by Tracy Connor (NBC News, 1 February 2016)
- Standing up for justice and diversity - Text by Tom O'Carroll (Herectic TOC, 1 February 2016)
- Kids as young as 9 are on the sex offender registry...for life (Free Range Kids, 17 January 2016)
- The dark side of David Bowie - Text by Erin Keane (Salon.com, 13 January 2016)
- Can child dolls keep pedophiles from offending? - Text by Roc Morin (The Atlantic, 11 January 2016)
- Girl, 15, who sold nude pics of herself online facing child porn charges - Text by Helen Whitehouse (Daily Star, 4 January 2016)
- Private sexual satisfaction is good - Text by Ethan Edwards (Celibate Pedophiles, 1 January 2016)
- Ed Stewart met his wife when she was 13 - (Wikipedia, January 2016)
- Finnish child victim survey revisited - Text by Monica Fagerlund & Noora Ellonen (Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, Vol. 25, Issue 5, 2016)
- Resolving the gamer's dilemma - Text by Garry Young (Book from 2016)
- Porn panic! - Sex and censorship in the UK - Text by Jerry Barnett (Book from 2016)