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Pages in category "Zelfmoord"
The following 127 pages are in this category, out of 127 total.
- 'Di Rupo overwoog zelfmoord na pedofilie-affaire'
- 'Een kind is de mens op zijn mooist' - Interview met Dr. E. Brongersma
- 'Je kunt geen homo/hetero worden'
- 'Lewandowski pleegde zelfmoord' - 'Duitse coach betrapt met 12-jarig jochie'
- 'Mijn kinderen zijn vreemden voor me, mijn leven is kapot'
- 'Paedophile hunters' confronted man - days later he killed himself
- 'Paedophiles should commit suicide': expert
- A crisis that could be an opportunity
- A miracle interrupted: remembering Paul Christiano 1976-2015
- A sex offender's suicide breeds deeply mixed feelings
- Aangehoudene in CRIES-affaire verhangt zich in cel
- Accused, convicted, assaulted, raped, but innocent all along
- Advocaat hekelt aanpak loverboy-zaak Valkenburg
- Alan Turing en het Apple-logo
- Anti-porn crusade takes its toll
- Aspecten van de aantrekking van ouderen tot jongeren
- Aspects of adults' attraction to minors
- Dat gaat wel over, zei de dokter
- David Hamilton found dead amid allegations of historical rape
- De ongehuwde oom, hoewel aanbeden door de kinderen, is soms van de knapenliefde
- De postcode is voldoende
- De staat een betere zedenmeester
- Denver 9-year-old dies by suicide after reported bullying for being gay
- Dominee Visser neemt nu ook pedofielen in bescherming
- Drie doden in drie dagen in De Rooyse Wissel
- Fantastische vertellingen - De massahysterie over ontucht met kleuters in Oude Pekela
- FBI: Child sex offenders turn violent, suicidal
- Final goodbye to my friends
- Former teacher is fourth known person involved with child-porn case to have taken his own life
- Four found shot dead in Alabama car left suicide notes denying child-porn charges
- Frank van Ree over Brongersma
- I'm 38, my lover's 14
- Identiteitsfraude in kinderpornozaak
- Ik bestaat uit twee letters
- In de knop gebroken - Een pedofiel legt uit hoe zijn verwrongen geest werkt
- In defense of the pedophile
- In memoriam: Gorrit Goslinga
- Interview met drie jongeren die op minderjarige jongens vallen
- Interview met psycholoog dr. Wim Wolters - Misbruik
- Man killed himself after Stinson Hunter 'paedophile trap'
- Man pleegt zelfmoord in gevangenis Nieuwegein
- Man shamed in child sex text sting found hanged
- Man, 36, charged with child pornography offences found hanged with wife in loft of their Kingsway home
- Massahysterie en parallellen tussen pedojacht en heksenjacht
- Monster van Riga wil dood
- My cousin killed himself
- Nearly one in 50 U.S. teen students see selves as transgender, government reports
- Nederlander pleegt zelfmoord in Amerikaanse cel
- Nieuwe homo-tiener zelfmoord schokt VS
- Nigel Sherratt killed himself after paedophile hunters confrontation
- NIKS 1980-09
- No easy answers - Sex offender laws in the US
- NVSH-notitie over de reacties op en mogelijke juridische gevolgen van de zaak-Dutroux
- Paedophile hunting and 'Sweetie': the case for luring potential criminals?
- Pastoor Damme pleegt zelfmoord na klacht over pedofilie
- Pedofiele pedospeurder stapt uit het leven
- Pedofielen over zichzelf
- Pedojacht werd heksenjacht - Publicatie adressen Britse pedofielen eiste drie mensenlevens
- Pedophilia - The Leipziger study of the social and psychical situation of pedophilic men
- Pete Townshend: 'Ik wou me voor het hoofd schieten na pedofilie-beschuldiging'
- Police say 'gay rights' advocate, 'husband' who committed suicide molested 10 adolescent boys
- Politie moet meer verhoren vastleggen
- Problemen van verdraagzaamheid
- Scat club persecution
- Schoolboy, 12, took his own life after questioning his sexuality and being bullied
- Sex offenders speak out on prison bullying
- So he killed his uncle and young Emilio
- Social response to age-gap sex involving minors: empirical, historical, cross-cultural, and cross-species considerations
- Talented teacher 'killed himself over porn inquiry'
- Tchaikovsky's relationships with young boys
- Teacher torches himself to death after telling girl, 8, 'I love you'
- The age of consent in New Zealand - Is twelve enough?
- The parallels between Middle-Age witch hunts and the current hysteria surrounding paedophilia
- The pedophile as a folk devil
- These were my realities - Journal of an incarcerated sex offender
- Thirty-two of the men arrested during UK child porn investigation Operation Ore have committed suicide